The Little Things that Happen - poem summary and Questions answers class 5 - SMART STUDY POINT


Notes, Assignment, important Question Answer.


The Little Things that Happen - poem summary and Questions answers class 5


    The Little Things that  Happen


The Little Things that Happen

Are tucked into your mind

And come again to greet you

( Or most of them, you’ll find).


Through many little doorways

Of which you keep the keys,

They crowd into your thinking

We call them memories.


But some of them are rovers

And wander off and get

So lost, the keys grow rusty,

And that means – you forget.


But some stay ever near you;

You’ll find they never rove-

The keys are always shining –

Those are the things you Love.



The Little Things that Happen is a poem by Marjorie Wilson. In this poem the poet wants to express the importance of small memories in our life.

In the first stanza the poet telling us those small things that happened to our  everyday life are stored in our mind. And those hidden things often come as memories to greet us. There are numbers of ways which remind us about lots of memories. But  some memories just go away from our mind and you forget those. Memories which we love the most always stays with us.


Question Answer


A.      Choose the correct option to answer the questions.

1.      What comes to greet you from time to time?

a.      Dream

b.      Old thoughts

c.       Friends

        Answer : old thoughts

2.      Where do memories stay?

a.      Tucked away in our dreams

b.      Buried in the past

c.       Hidden in our mind

        Answer: Hidden in our mind

Answer the following Questions

Q1. What comes through the doorway?

Answer: Old thoughts and memories come through the doorway.

Q2.  What happens when the keys to some doorways get rusty?

Answer: when the keys to some doorways get rusty we forgot our memories.

Q3. What happens to the memories of things you Love?

Answer: The memories of things which we love always stay with  and give us happiness.

Q4. Why do some memories always stay with you while others go away?

Answer: The memories which we love we always keep it in our mind and the bad memories we don’t want to remember so it rove and go away.

Q5. What happens to the memories that rove?

Answer:  The memories which rove are never found again.

Q6. How do the memories that stay with you help you?

Answer: The memories that stay with us help us in different ways – happy memories cherish us and Bad memories teach us good lesson of life.

Q7. Why are the keys of some memories ‘always shining’ ?

Answer : The keys of some memories always shining because  those the memories of love and we keep them always near us.


Write the opposite words

Forget –

Love –

Little –

Always –


Forget – remember

Love – Hate

Little – Huge/ Big

Always – Never
