Class 11th arts English book-2 chapter-1 Three questions question and answers - SMART STUDY POINT


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Class 11th arts English book-2 chapter-1 Three questions question and answers

                Three questions


Think it out

1.)what were the three questions that occurred to the king?what did he do get the answers to his questions?

Ans. The three questions that occurred to the king's are:- (a) what is the right time for a work to be. done.(b)who is the most important person to listen to.(c)what is most important thing to do.                      He thought that he would never fall once he knew the answers to the questions, Throughout the kingdoms the kings announced a reward for those who could answers the questions.

2.)What answers did the wise man give to his first question?

Ans. The answer for the first question some said the king must prepare a time table and follow it's strictly. Some also said that it was impossible to decide in advance the right time for doing something.The king should avoid  pleasure and always  do whatever is important.Yet some other said that the king needed council of wise man would help him to act at the proper time.This was because one man alone would find it impossible to decide correctly. Without the help of others the right time for every time for every action.

3.) How did the wise man answer his second question?

Ans. In answer to second question some said the people the king most needed were his councillors,.  Others said the priest, other said the doctor,while other said the warriors were the necessary.

4.) What answers did the king  get for his third question?

Ans. To, the third question,as what was the most important occupation,some replied the most important things in the world was science.other said it was skill in warfare,and other again, that it was relegious worship.

5.) Why did he decide to consult a hermit?

Ans. The king was not satisfied with the answers that he got from the people so he gave no rewarded to anyone. Finally he decided to consult a hermit to find the right answers of his questions.


Think it out

1.) Where did the king meet the hermit ? How did the hermit received the king?

Ans. The kings went to meet the hermit by putting on ordinary clothes.  As the hermit only meet the simple people the king did not want to reveal his indentity to the hermit. As he reached the  woods. The king got off the horse and left for the hermit's house on foot without being accompanied by his bodyguards.

2.) How did the king helped the hermit?

Ans. The king took the spade from the hand of tired hermit and started digging ground.

3.) How did the king nurse the wounded stranger?

Ans. The king washed the wounded and covered the wound of the man with his handkerchief and kept on dressing it until the bleeding stop completely. The king also offered the wound man water to drink.

4.) Why did the wounded person desire to serve the king as his most faithful slave?

Ans. The wounded man was the enemy of this king. He wanted to kill the king but the king saved his life. The wounded man asked the kings forgiveness and wanted to serve the kings as a very faithful slave.